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October in Paris

Paris weather in October

by stillinparis

Paris weather is generally cool in October, and with the fall, showers are getting more and more frequent.

Averages for October in Celsius and Fahrenheit

Sunshine (h/d) 4
min average temperature 9 °C 48 F
max  average temperature 17 °C  (63 F)
lowest  min average temperature recorded -3 °C (27 F)
highest max average temperature recorded  29 °C (84 F)
rainfall(mm) 49
rainy days 13

In October, Paris has one rather low sunshine about 4 hours a day with a number of rainy days estimated for this month at 13.
If you visit Paris in October you will certainly encounter a shower . So… do not forget your protective clothings against rain! Generally in October the rain is moderate (not stormy ), an umbrella is efficient to protect yourself.

October in Paris

The average temperatures are between 9°C  ( 48F) and 17°C (63 F) but know that depending of years they can fall until in-3°C (27 F) and rise until 29°C (84 F).

Duration of day: on October 1st, in Paris, the sun gets up at 7:14 am and the sun set is at 6:48 am.
It decrease during the month and on October 31st the day is 48 min shorter


For an any day of October, here are the climatic statistics for Paris

rainfall : 38 %
Temperature < 0°C (32 F) : 0 %
Temperature between 0°C (32 F) and 16°C ( 61 F) : 32 %
Temperature between 16°C (61 F) and 32°C (90 F) : 68 %
Temperature > 32°C (90 F): 0 %
Wind > 15 km/h : 20 %

Last October’s weather in Paris?

The average temperature widely exceeded the averages +1,8°C  (+ 3,24 F). The maximal achieved or overtook 20°C (68 F) on 8 occasions (until 23,8°C (75 F) on October 3rd) and never fell below 11,0°C (52F) (on October 11th). The minimal achieved or overtook 6 times 15°C (59 F) (including in 3rd decade). Only the day of 31 had a diurnal temperature lower than 5°C (41 F) 4,3°C (39,7 F).
The precipitation were under than averages ( -29 %). 8 days were rainy for an average 1981 / 2010 of 9,7.
The period of sunshine was overdrawn (18 %). 7 days were cloudy and had less than one hour of sunshine.

Last year’s mid October.

What was the weather like in Paris on October 15th, last year?

weather conditions at mid-day : Cloudy
average temperature : 9°C
min temperature : 4°C
max temperature : 14°C
min Humidity  : 59 %
max Humidité  : 100 %
wind : 22 km/h
rainfall : 0.0 mm

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